Season’s greetings
We need your help!
Every year the Brothers of the Richmond District run a Holiday Food Drive to help Staten Islanders that are in need, by restocking various food pantries across the Island.
This year is a little different unfortunately. Due to COVID-19 we are unable to hold our in-person food drive, so we have moved things online.
We have always been able to count on the generosity of Staten Islanders and beyond and hope you can once again participate in helping us restock the emptiest shelves in their time of need.
We are trying to make this as easy as possible by having personal shoppers go to local stores, using your generous donation, to purchase and deliver the necessary provisions requested by the food pantries, in time for the holiday season.
PLEASE NOTE: 100% of the proceeds goes towards the relief of those in need.
My best to all of you! And Thank you for your continued support.
Happy Thanksgiving,
R∴W∴ Michael DeLuca
District Deputy Grand Master
Richmond District
Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons
of the State of New York